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Cute Notebooks

Writing about mental health, wellbeing and psychotherapy.

Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.

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Mirror Images: How Body Dysmorphia Distorts Reality

This article appeared on Welldoing is a...

My Experience of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

This article appeared on Welldoing is a great source...

All Zoomed Out: The Psychological Toll of Video Calls

This article originally appeared on Welldoing is a great source of articles, advice, and also a directory of counsellors...

Why are people so unkind on social media?

Despite the potentially negative psychological side effects that our use of social media can have, it has undoubtedly brought many...

The negative effects of social media

This article appeared on We all know that too much time spent...

Why are we so addicted to social media?

This article appeared on Over the last few months,...

Zoonation's 'The Mad Hatter's Tea Party.'

Friday 31 July 2020 at 7pm BST, broadcast free online as part of the Royal Opera House's #OurHouseToYourHouse series....

The Lockdown and Anxiety

This article will appear on When this pandemic is finally under control, the impact of the Coronavirus in this country will...

Metacognition: Learning how to worry less

This article will appear on I work as a Deputy Head in a grammar school and one of my roles is to lead training on...

Why is happiness so hard to find?

This article originally appeared on My therapist recently...

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